TUESDAY 10-5-21
Moose Club State Viaduct and Sportsmen Weekend are both DONE. We did two extras of each for good measure.
First-Timer/Cabin with a pine tree patch - awaiting approval/and-or selection of color scheme. I grabbed a Columbia Blue twill because we have it on hand AND because it somehow reminds me of blue skies behind the cabin scene. AND because I think it's a little different using tan for everything. In any case...two colors from which to choose.
First-Timer/Cabin with a pine tree patch - awaiting approval/and-or selection of color scheme. I grabbed a Columbia Blue twill because we have it on hand AND because it somehow reminds me of blue skies behind the cabin scene. AND because I think it's a little different using tan for everything. In any case...two colors from which to choose.
Bridge to Nowhere is still pending approval. We have done this one before...so is should just be an approval/refill situation.
Jet Ski is going to be our most difficult one this time around. We will need to digitize something because nothing really exists in the marketplace that fit the bill. A silhouette would be best...if you don't like this one, pick something from Google images and send it to me. Scott will digitize.
!!! STOP HERE !!!
everything below this line is old news...for reference only
thursday 9-30-21 updated proofs:
Okay...based on this morning's email...please confirm the first two setups (both Moose Club) asap please. He's going to push these thru today. Your emailed comments are cut-n-paste here for quick reference:
By the way....More to follow on all the rest of the emails/etc as today progresses. I'm in the office ALL DAY! Yippee...
By the way....More to follow on all the rest of the emails/etc as today progresses. I'm in the office ALL DAY! Yippee...
State viaduct
From Tracy: Moose Club State Connector Viaduct - I think we should add the year “2021”. This project is going to be completed this year. We will need 12 patches
From Tracy: Moose Club Sportsman Weekend 2021 – He does not like the first patch with the ‘red’ colored letters. He likes the second patch with the yellow letters. We will need 12 patches
the rest of the patches
Okay here we go. First pass at the balance of the patches. As it turns out, two guys on jet skis is an elusive design to find in a ready-to-go fashion. We will have to discuss that one in more depth. But for now, here we go with what we were able to figure out.
bridge to nowhere 2021
moose club 2021
Please select preferred thread color. Showing both colors here that you've specified.
corogin camp (jet ski)
Can't find ANYWHERE a pre-digitized design of two guys on a jet ski. So, Scott is thinking maybe we can quickly and cheaply digitize a silhouette or something. Can't get a ton of detail into such a small space...but we'll see what we can do. That's why a silhouette would be ideal for this project.
BUT we first need to decide on the design because digitizing is a process and it makes no sense to digitize over and over and over. It's like asking a painter to paint the room before deciding on color. Does that make sense? Here's an example of one. Google "silhouette vector jet ski two people" and see if you find something Peter likes.
BUT we first need to decide on the design because digitizing is a process and it makes no sense to digitize over and over and over. It's like asking a painter to paint the room before deciding on color. Does that make sense? Here's an example of one. Google "silhouette vector jet ski two people" and see if you find something Peter likes.
corogin camp (cabin with pine tree)
I'm suggesting we use a sky blue twill for this one, because we've used this tan background to death in the past. Although both look nice. Let me know. Also need QTY for these.