The only piece backordered is the XL BLACK in the 1/4 Zip. I have no idea when they'll get them but the backorders have been arriving sooner rather than later. I'm choosing to remain optimistic.
Piecing and parting orders, while waiting on backorders, has become a way of life here. It's awful but we know it's here to stay, for a while at least.
Piecing and parting orders, while waiting on backorders, has become a way of life here. It's awful but we know it's here to stay, for a while at least.
- If these logo color combos are not what you're visioning, let me know and we can switch it up.
- I'm going to mail you a sample sew-out of the logo so you can see the thread color we selected for the silver-grey. It might be a little darker than you're thinking. We do have a lighter silver, but sometimes it looks almost like white to me.
- The gold is our standard 1024 gold but I'm wondering if you mean it to be more of a vegas gold, which is tan. The gold that Vermilion uses in it's purple/gold colors. You'll let me know.